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There’s no greater comfort than knowing you’re providing a healthy, happy life for your little loved ones.

That’s why our experts take great joy in providing the knowledge and answers you need to take the best care of your pets possible.

Live Q&A Sessions

As Oxbow’s resident small animal expert, Dr. Micah Kohles has more than 20 years of clinical experience providing expert veterinary care for rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and many other small and exotic animal species.

Each month, Dr. K hosts live Q&A social media sessions where he answers all your pet nutrition and care questions. Check out Dr. Kohles’ most recent Q&As in their entirety, as well as expert content on specific nutrition and care topics.

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Ready to learn more?
Our experts have you covered!

Bunny Bonding

Guinea Pig Teeth Trimming

Dental Health

How Much Hay

Chinchilla FAQs

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